Serbay Interactive
Serbay Interactive

Digital Advertising Agency

Brand Details :
  • Company Name : Serbay Interactive
  • Motto : We Fly Those Who Cannot
  • Website :
  • Center : Düzce
  • Establishment Date : 2011
Logos :

About :

Our company is a digital advertising agency founded in 2011 in Düzce that provides e-commerce, mobile application, social media, photography, video and production services. At the same time, it is the local dealer of IdeaSoft, one of the big-time operators in the field of e-commerce, in Düzce, Bolu and Zonguldak. 

We, above all, are an advertising agency that has devoted colleagues working for the best interests of our customers. 

The most important aim of ours amongst all is permanence. We embrace our customers’ brands and work for services that will not be outdated over time, that will leave an impression.    

We understand what our customers want very well and try to do what they are happy with. We try to make a difference by creating things as good as possible. We do not embark until we know the work we’ll do and the mass we’ll reach. 

We don’t start something if we’re not happy with it, and we do everything we start happily.

As a result, we stand proudly behind every work we complete.  

Introduction Film :

Serbay Interactive Media Center

Serbay Interactive Current news, corporate publications and more